Alhamdulillah, you were born on 9-Mar-13, at 10.17am, at DEMC Shah Alam...
You just can't wait to meet us when you decided to pop out a lil bit too early at 35wks gestation, but with 3.05kgs weight and 51cm length! Doesn't sound like premature baby at all, eyh?
Anyway, you just made mummy, daddy, abang and the whole family the most happiest people in the world...
Even you had made mummy and daddy missed your Aunty Ayu & Uncle Zaffuan's wedding reception! And since Aunty Ayu just can't wait to meet you, you had made her to come all the way here with her wedding dress!
Such a drama queen laaa you...
All in all, I'm one happy Mummy with 2 kids, a very adorable 5yrs boy, and cute little girl...
Nothing much I can say except, Thank You Allah, for the new adventures you've given to us....
Alhamdulillah & Subhanallah...
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